Spare Part Price EUR
Adapter 15pin on VGA 31.20
Adapter board FRU 88G2731 576.00
Adapter board FRU AAG2479 554.40
Agfa Accuset 1000 main board 2,052.00
Agfa ACUSETT film guide 136.80
Agfa Acusett film transport motor 374.40
Agfa Blower Fan EBM D2E133 333.90
Agfa develop rack 465.00
AGFA developer cable set 126.40
Agfa developer conntrol panel 592.80
AGFA developer main board with case 577.60
AGFA develorer case with fuses and transformer 255.00
Agfa filter METAFIX-LX 2,844.00
Agfa fixir rack 465.00
AGFA PostScript Printers 1,854.40
AgFA PostScript RIP User Guide 1,884.80
Agfa select set 7000 film guide 653.60
Agfa select set 7000 input cassete 779.10
Agfa select set 7000 output cassete 883.50
AGFA SELECTSET 7000  mirror set 688.50
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 101294968013 board 1,232.40
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 201079163008 board 1,100.50
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 207110220008 board 1,124.80
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 220148009012 board 1,064.00
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 AOM modulator with holder 945.50
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 conntrol panel 1,011.20
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 FLET cable 66036-001 764.40
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 laser holder with shutter 635.50
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 main board  1,428.80
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor pittman gm-9413g237 442.40
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor pittman gm-9413h638 651.90
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor pittman gm9413g237 553.00
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor pittman gm9413g982 527.00
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor pittman gm9413h683 537.20
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 motor VEXTA PH266-02 520.20
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 RF modulator 002409-0522 1,018.40
AGFA SELECTSET 7000 spiner motor 1,872.00
AGFA silver separator 6,885.00
Air dryer B1 277.20
Air filter and regulator  LAMAN1-800-348-2463 670.80
Air filter and regulator  LAMAN1-800-348-2463 662.20
Air filter GLUNZ&JENSEN 241.60
Air filter HEILDEBERGQ 434.00
Air filter section blue 379.20
Air filterPROAIR 241.60
air pipe orange 5m 38.00
AMP Terminator 238.00
Analytic cylinder Crosfield large 1,292.00
Analytic cylinder Crosfield small 1,007.50
APIS cable AGFA SELECTSET 7000  608.40
Apogee Viper User Guide 1,763.20
Apple modem board I2C-01/0001 139.92
Apple status board 820-0580-A 124.00
Aurora 7500 Pro User's Guide 1,962.50
AzonMikro stand for material 323.40
Back communication panel 70.00
Bearing for carriage holder 85041 600.40
Bearing for carriage holder 85042 600.00
Belt 05763592 243.20
Belt 467AG 128.00
Belt tensioner for roler Dolev800 172.70
Benning nt21q Linotronic 260 power supply 589.00
Block power supply for Dolev 4Press AA14320 1,884.00
BNC power board 529-0024100 39.75
board 22.04.97 261.80
board for electroncs holder HOPE 454578n333j 353 1,102.30
Box with automatic fuses 6pcs 62.40
BREVEL motor 713-982929 585.20
Brisque  3,042.00
Brisque  3,003.00
Brisque  3,003.00
Brisque  2,964.00
Brisque  3,100.50
Brisque 43P-140/150 1,782.45
Brisque Box 1of 2 2,635.00
Brisque Box 2of 2 2,700.00
Brisque Box 2of 2 2,635.00
Brisque Box 2of 2 2,635.00
Brisque Demarrage rapid 1,753.80
Brisque Demarrage rapid 1,698.30
Brisque Impose Tutorial Part I 1,782.00
Brisque Impose Tutorial Part III 1,781.80
Brisque Inicio Rapido 1,764.90
Brisque Inicio Veloce 1,742.70
Brisque Inizio Veloce 1,764.90
Brisque Installation Guide  1,743.75
Brisque Installation Guide 43P Platform 1,717.60
Brisque Kurzanleitung 1,705.00
Brisque Kurzanleitung 1,694.00
Brisque Mac Operator Guide 308.10
Brisque Manuel de reference rapid 1,755.00
Brisque Manuel de reference rapid 1,769.60
Brisque Manuel rapid didacticiel 1,758.40
Brisque Option Update User Guide 1,720.50
Brisque Production from the Macintosh 1,743.75
Brisque Production from the Macintosh 1,777.50
Brisque Quick Start 1,792.00
Brisque Quick Start 1,769.60
Brisque Quick Start Tutorial 1,724.80
Brisque Quick Start Tutorial 304.00
Brisque Quick Start Tutorial 304.00
Brisque Schnell Start 1,753.80
Brisque Schnelleinstieg 1,742.70
Brisque Schnelleinstieg 1,764.90
Brisque Scitex Improof 1,770.00
Brisque Snabbstart 1,742.70
Brisque Snabbstart 1,720.50
Brisque Snelstart 1,665.00
Brisque Software 1,650.00
Brisque Tutorial 1,790.10
Brisque Tutorial 1,825.20
Brisque Use Guide Part II 2,484.00
Brisque Use Guide Part III 1,805.50
Brisque User Guide  1,925.00
Brisque User Guide Part I 1,805.50
Brisque version 4.0 1,776.00
Brisque version 3,017.80
buzzer 189.60
cable 199D10055 261.80
cable 88377 183.60
cable black 9 pin 125.60
cable BNC 39.25
cable cable link 540007300000 93.00
cable cable link J2 91.20
Cable carry with cables 4press 1,425.00
cable connecting 0-959446-1 122.40
cable connecting 05129982 212.80
cable connecting 05148537 275.40
cable connecting 2 70.20
cable connecting 201359-1 222.60
cable connecting 441590C 125.60
cable connecting 441591B 45.90
cable connecting 4415980-j1-mbd 122.40
cable connecting 540003941000 94.80
cable connecting 540004842 94.80
cable connecting 540007301000A 78.00
cable connecting 540007373000 78.00
cable connecting 540007804000 92.40
cable connecting Buff door c 172.70
cable connecting cable link 6829000A 94.80
cable connecting cut side 256.00
cable connecting dolev i-f 77.50
cable connecting J4 32.00
cable connecting with holder X42 I X37 240.00
cable connecting with panel 441588B 186.00
cable connecting X104 124.00
cable connecting X105/X122 186.00
cable connecting X107 251.20
cable connecting X108 249.60
cable connecting X109 253.00
cable connecting X110 246.40
cable connecting X111 252.80
cable connecting X12 222.60
cable connecting X131 202.80
cable connecting X208 183.60
cable connecting X208A 187.20
cable connecting X209 168.30
cable connecting X209A 46.80
cable connecting X276 196.30
cable connecting X38 94.20
cable connecting X40 277.20
cable connecting X43 186.00
cable connecting X47L 137.70
cable connecting X47U 137.70
cable CONVER DET Dolev800 157.00
cable CONVER Dolev800 246.40
cable CPU 141.30
cable DB-23 J20 47.10
cable DB-9 12c 46.20
cable DB-9f to DB-9f 48.00
cable DC POWER CBL 34.00
cable DOLEV 850 Dynamic cable 252.80
Cable extender 2x1.5 1.5m 17.00
Cable extender 3x1.5 1.5m 18.00
cable extender industrial 32A 49.00
cable FDD 15.90
cable grounding 10m black 33.00
Cable holder Raptor 201.50
cable IDE  15.00
cable Laser Dolev 800 240.00
cable Laser PS 201.50
cable LPT 36.00
cable P1 Dolev800 244.80
cable P2 182.40
cable P4 122.40
cable panel 154.00
cable PUNCH ADAP Dolev 800 221.20
cable RAID R5-232 124.80
cable RKO37L 126.80
Cable SCITEX MX-2217 55.50
cable SCSI HDD 23.70
cable SCSI UW 62.80
Cable SCSI-Parallel 191.00
cable set 200512-2 349.80
cable set 4press 1,216.80
Cable set ASMD74411 38.00
cable set dinam.optics with holder 4press 1,033.60
cable set dinam.optics with holder 4press 1,074.40
cable set Dinamic Optic J10 376.80
Cable set for dinamic optics X21 X23 X26 338.80
cable set P4 Dolev800 323.40
Cable set Safety switch X49/X50 604.20
cable SPINNER Dolev800 296.40
cable TSP 20m 655.20
Cable UTP 4m 15.90
cable UTP connecting 10m system 46.50
cable VariTyper 4000 CL275C 94.80
cable X15 182.40
cable X44 61.60
cable X44/2 61.00
cable X44/3 63.00
Capstain motor Afga Motion Technologues 1,162.50
Capstain motor Afga Motion Technologues 12FP 1,071.00
Carriadge spindle 200 2,015.00
Carriadge spindle 4press 2,730.00
Carriadge spindle 800 3,588.00
Carrier HDD for Dolev 70.65
Carry Block for spinner motors 1,638.00
Carry CD Rom for Brisque 37.50
Carry FDD for Brisque 16.00
Carry for fan cooler 80x80 24.00
Carry for FDD 22.00
Carry for HDD 15.50
Carry for HDD 15.00
Carry for HDD 31.00
Carry HDD 23.00
Carry HDD  Dolev 23.00
Carry HDD I FDD for Brisque 32.00
Carry HDD I FDD for Brisque 55.30
Carry HDD I FDD for Brisque 55.65
Carry IO board  55.00
Case for chemistry filter 125.60
Cassette Agfa Accuset 1000 input 753.60
Cassette Agfa Accuset 1000 output 790.00
Cassette assembly Dolev 800 3,022.50
Cassette Dolev 800 large 906.00
Cassette spindle Dolev 800 small 468.00
Cassette spindle for Dolev 800 large 392.50
CD Agfa Color Tune v.3.0 2,103.75
CD Agfa Scanners SC 2.2 697.50
CD Brisque  1,738.00
CD Brisque 3.0 Options Revision 1 1,672.00
CD Brisque 3.0 Options Revision 2 1,749.00
CD Brisque Accessories 1,672.00
CD Brisque Documentation & Training 1,705.00
CD Brisque S/W Update II 1,716.00
CD Brisque V3.0 options Rev1 1,694.00
CD CreoScitex Brisque Extreme Documentation 2,145.00
CD Dolev 4Press Documentation 1,749.00
CD Dolev 4Press Troubleshooting Video 1,672.00
CD Dolev 800V Documentation Version 1.0 1,177.50
CD Iris IQ/mac 2,090.00
CD IrisColor Zone 1.0 1,727.00
CD Purup-Eskosoft Version 2.3.1 2,158.75
CD Rom 8001 IDE SCSI 202.80
CD Rom ATA Sony CDU5211 70.00
CD Rom Aztech CDA868 SCSI 204.30
CD Rom Hitachi CDR-8230 SCSI 207.00
CD Rom IBM CR-503B SCSI 206.70
CD Rom IBM CR-503B SCSI 201.50
CD Rom IBM CR-503B SCSI 205.00
CD Rom IBM CR-503C SCSI 200.00
CD Rom IBM CR-504B SCSI 206.70
CD Rom IBM CR-506B SCSI 206.70
CD Rom IBM CR-506B SCSI 206.70
CD Rom IBM CR-506B SCSI 201.50
CD Rom IBM CR-506B SCSI 203.80
CD Rom IBM CR-506B SCSI 198.90
CD Rom LG GCR-8525B 47.50
CD Rom Plextor PX-20TSI SCSI 208.00
CD Rom Plextor PX-20TSI SCSI 205.40
CD Rom Plextor PX-20TSI SCSI 142.20
CD Rom Plextor PX-20TSI SCSI 198.90
CD Rom SONY CDU561-25 SCSI 199.00
CD Rom SONY SMO-F521-82 SCSI 203.00
CD Rom SyQest SQ555 SCSI 200.00
CD Rom TEAC CD-W58E 46.00
CD ROM Teac CD504E 62.00
CD Rom Toshiba XM-3401BME SCSI 209.00
CD Rom Toshiba XM-3401BME SCSI 205.40
CD Rom Toshiba XM-6401B SCSI 205.40
CD Scenic Soft PEPS 2,867.50
CD Scitex AIX 1,672.00
CD Scitex El. Screening Cat. No. 501V50136 770.00
CD Scitex EverSmart 1,727.00
CD Scitex Full Auto Frame S/W Ver.2.1.4 1,694.00
CD Scitex PS/M Version 5.0 Document&Training 2,038.50
CD Scitex PS/M Version 5.0fc6(V2) 2,402.50
CD Set Brisque version 2,218.50
CDR Plextor PX-20TSI SCSI 206.70
CDR Plextor PX-32TSI SCSI 498.30
chemistry doser longer 55.30
chemistry doser shorter 30.80
Chemisty doser pipe 31.40
chemisty heater DURR 317.10
circulation pump big black 421.20
circulation pump ivaki md-15r 489.60
circulation pump md-10l-220 592.80
circulation pump spal X887 403.00
Circulation pump SPAL x962 372.00
Circulation pumpFASCO AC-6C-MD 327.60
COBALT 361ONL fan 233.00
COBALT 361ONL fan 229.00
Cobalt Sales Partner Reference Guide 1,829.00
Color Proff RIP Server 1,946.80
combinated elect.sub.assy 1,293.60
Communicate flat cable for FDD 13.00
Communication board 05-1800 e 400.15
Communication board 205131356007 524.16
Communication board DF67CC3C503-16 142.20
Communication board MF-285 219.80
Communication board PQCS 1392-09 609.84
Communication board Scitex BR800822/08 616.00
Communication board Sony HCS-40 72.00
Communication cable 14/14 385.00
Communication cable 404 142.20
Communication cable 9/25 193.75
Communication cable 93H2323 39.00
Communication cable 93H2323 31.60
Communication cable Brisque 12-13pin 620.00
Communication cable Brisque P/N 12H1169 305.90
Communication cable Brisque P/N 12H1169 379.20
Communication cable Brisque P/N 12H1169 452.40
Communication cable Brisque P/N 12H1169 461.10
Communication cable Brisque P/N 52G0170 452.40
Communication cable Brisque P/N 65G8085 452.40
Communication cable Brisque parallel 5-pin 471.00
Communication cable Dolev 65G8850 27.00
Communication cable for LOGITECH 207 23.00
Communication cable LOGITECH LTD 200472 28.00
Communication cable MICROSOFT 900 24.00
Communication cable Scitex P 73H0435 677.50
Communication cable Scitex P/N 73H0433 387.50
Communication cable serial 2.5m 46.70
Communication card Formac PNGA 50-2 533.80
Communication flat cable 50pin 39.00
Communication LAN TF board HSF11380582 715.50
Condensator 0.1mikro 23.70
Condensator 1,5 mikro 23.40
condensator for film motor 218.40
condensator for film motor 217.00
Conenctor X53 24.60
connecting backpanel VARITYPER 4000 284.40
conntrol board HOPE 808520 1,060.80
Contol block with power supplyDURR dental RECHNER modul 1,170.00
Contol console Alpha Mat 581.40
Contol panel RAPTOR  1,192.50
Contorl box RAPTOR  1,482.00
Contrabalance weight 63.60
Control board 11608LO118YL 148.00
Control board 1163H334 439.00
Control board 11698HDYL9840 680.00
Control board 11S07L9942 432.00
Control board 11S93H6196 320.00
Control board 218160383002 1,190.00
Control board 326-00-303 693.00
Control board 326-00-304 693.00
Control board 3720R 530.40
Control board A156J36461 435.00
Control board A161A1177293 754.60
Control board A161A167328 612.30
Control board A161A284170 253.00
Control board A17PF957080 253.00
Control board A17PF969091 461.10
Control board A17RT990132 469.00
Control board A17TW042090 612.30
Control board A17TW116072 144.00
Control board A17TW995115 744.80
Control board A17YV137104 1,404.00
Control board BEY9001 560.90
Control board FRU 07L8001 461.10
Control board FRU 11S93H4782ZA 612.30
Control board FRU 92F0161 604.45
Control board FRU 93H2431 467.30
Control board FRU A16A261219 141.30
Control board FRU A17RT988009 590.80
Control board L1 10J2972-1 570.00
Control board RET5290 461.10
Control board RP-199 118.50
Control board WI7Q819239 144.90
Control module 005428 585.20
Control module A156J364001 238.00
Control module A156J365719 240.25
Control module AC-105 504.90
Control module for Brisque A161A215174 1,386.00
Control module NEAM X5 830.50
Control modulPUNC  -m-11 Dolev800 540.00
Control panel DOLEV 2xx 4xx 790.40
Control panel DOLEV800 502.40
control panel DURR 651.00
Control panel for developer 561.60
Control panel Linotronic 260 U-94VO LT55 577.20
Control panel Varityper  496.00
Controller board KX-T7030 599.00
Controller board Y/C 503-3720 560.00
Controller for Cobalt LOGITECH 027T 62.80
Controller for Cobalt LOGITECH 200218-02 67.30
Controller for Cobalt LOGITECH 207 65.00
Controller for Cobalt LOGITECH LTD 200472 61.90
Controller for Cobalt LOGITECH LTD X31 60.40
Controller for Cobalt MICROSOFT 900-336-184-01 62.00
Controller with cable 350c 221.20
Converter DV9Y1A 102.68
Converter M9Y1A 103.00
Convertor LAN Interface 9205-1490 139.20
Cooler with holder EM 2112-117 63.20
Cooling block X41L 354.20
Cooling block X41U 354.20
Cooling system unit 2 Fan for Brisque 410.80
Cover for EBOX Dolev 4Press 62.80
CPU Cooler socket 7 39.75
Creo Flatener v.1.0 6,795.00
Creo Version 4.0.97 260.10
CreoScitex PS/M User Guide 1,828.50
crosconect field 15.60
Crosfield MagnaLink Operator's Manual 1,897.20
data unit hadas 4press 994.50
DC width board  188.40
detector board dolev 2xx 4xx 646.80
detector board dolev 2xx 4xx 659.40
Develop rack Agfa 74cm 702.00
Develop rack HOPE 50cm 734.40
Developer Rack 120cm 874.50
Developer Rack 50cm 720.00
Developer rack DURR 320.00
Developer Rack for ESKOFOT processor 1,501.00
Developer Rack for HOPE processor 1,501.00
Developer rack small Alpha Mat 284.40
Developer Raptor film dryer 533.80
Dinamic optic carry for HEILDERBERG 540.60
diskette unit SONY MPF420-D 51.20
Display board 1614402 538.20
Display board CD528Z 534.75
Display board VEP07434 379.75
Display carry for Brisque 24.00
Display controller Brisque ETA 675.00
Display controller Brisque PLANAR-LCD/LED 684.00
Display controller Brisque PLANAR-LCD/LED 230.55
Display controller for Brisque 706.50
Display controller GUNZ&JENS 94V-O 92.80
Display controller with carry 40H2350 56.35
Display controller with carry 40H2359 56.35
Display Dolev  706.50
Display Dolev  684.00
Display Dolev DM148Z 842.40
Display for Brisque graphic 620.15
Display for Brisque graphic 604.35
Display for Brisque linear 616.20
Display for Brisque linear 612.25
Display for Brisque linear 759.50
Display for Dolev 4Press 1,805.50
Display frame for Dolev 4Press 231.00
Display with board B14733 151.05
Display with board HI-25 119.25
Display&power switch board Brisque 92F0259 1,794.00
Dolev 200/400 Series Imagesetters 1,828.50
Dolev 4-PRESS film cutter 2,370.00
Dolev 4press E--BOX 544.00
Dolev 4Press family  2,830.50
Dolev 4Press Family Illust.Trublesh. Guide 1,774.10
Dolev 4Press Installation Guide 1,676.10
Dolev 4Press power supply block 2,280.00
Dolev 4Press User Guide 1,766.25
Dolev 4Press User Guide 1,777.50
DOLEV 800 cable NEW LDR 288.00
DOLEV 800 cable set CONVER 329.70
DOLEV 800 cable set DARK AREA HAR 604.20
DOLEV 800 cable set ENC/SHJT/LO 523.60
Dolev 800 cable setLIGHT AREA HAR 445.20
Dolev 800 power dist typ3 2,371.50
Dolev 800/800V User Guide 1,736.50
Dolev 800V Family 3,023.00
DOLEV CPU Board 386 811.20
DOLEV CRI board 646.80
DOLEV data unit assy 577.60
DOLEV data unit hadas 569.80
DOLEV fast driver GE400441/3 580.90
DOLEV Power box asy 390.00
Dolev PS/M 2,886.00
Dolev PS/M 2,730.00
Dolev PS/M 1,780.80
Dolev PS/M PostScript Interpreter 1,780.80
Dolev PS/M User Guide 1,852.60
DOLEV Relay Driver 582.00
DOLEV STROBE5 Board 612.00
Dolev800 output film guide 286.20
Dolev800/800V Family 1,839.20
Dolev800/800V Installation Guide 1,794.00
Dongle ADB ERB00091 sn 5970065 9,166.00
Dongle ADB MRB00793 1204862 9,180.00
Dongle ADB Viper 9,060.00
Dongle ADB Viper 66900-002 9,058.00
Dongle CreoScitex Presstouch/FAF 7209559 9,880.00
Dongle CreoScitex PSM 2607210 9,780.00
Dongle ECRM ME1-N-20-04-2 sn 1168330 9,180.00
Dongle ECRM PA1-N-20-04-0 sn 1455 9,059.00
Dongle Harlequin 269659444 34447 9,200.00
Dongle Purup Harlequin 0015407 9,190.00
Dongle Scitex Dolev PSM 100024 9,044.00
Dongle Scitex Dolev PSM 1507252 9,073.00
Dongle Scitex Dolev PSM 1507320 9,880.00
Dongle Scitex Dolev PSM 1507927 9,044.00
Dongle Scitex Dolev PSM 1508140 9,060.00
Dongle Scitex Iris 10464227 9,054.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, 5977377 9,750.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, FAF for Mac 21120435 9,060.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, FAF for Mac 7207072 9,099.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, FAF for Mac 7210302 8,415.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, FAF for Mac 7210804 8,415.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 1000226 9,102.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 3607650 10,010.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 3608471 9,101.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 3609988 8,415.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 3610868 8,415.00
Dongle Scitex S/W Key, Scitex Remake 3675252 9,168.00
Dongle Scitex Scinet Span 5401055 9,080.00
doser one SERTO 127.20
Double LAN card Scitex MA700091/07 286.00
Double LAN card Scitex MA700188/15 286.00
Double LAN card Scitex TER20253 286.00
Driver adaptor Scitex 504N2D717 790.00
Drum segment inst. punch Dolev4press 314.00
Dryer heater AGFA 400.40
dryer heater HOPE  275.40
Dryer heater RAPTOR 489.80
Dryer heater set for HOPE 369.60
Dryer Rack  684.00
Dryer rack DURR 323.40
Dryer rack HOPE 408.20
Dryer rack small  Alpha Mat 296.00
Dryer roler set 275.40
Dryer thermostat HOPE  91.80
duble pump DURR HEIDOLPH typ Krp8-d 520.20
DuPont Easycompact 55/72/86 1,971.60
DuPont Easycompact 86 1,872.40
DURR dental 11522.120.oo main board 1,453.50
DVD Rom ATA DVR-110DBK 86.00
e-box assy 4press 1,117.40
EBOX Dolev 200/400 310.00
EBOX Dolev800 646.80
ECRM AP27-231 board 837.00
ecrm cable 9991-p4/999-p1 325.50
ecrm cable display 275.40
ECRM connection panel with cables 465.00
ECRM lens set1656 1,094.40
ECRM motor CM-250-1000-ECR4 600.60
ECRM power supply A071393 1,014.00
ECRM RIP Operator Guide 1,984.00
ECRM spiner motor AXYS 081199 918.00
Electormotor e192.24.125 351.90
electro water valve with 3 output 78.50
Electromagnet big 284.40
Electromagnet mehanic part 91.20
Electronic box for Dolev 4Pres 2,133.00
Electronics for online bridge DuPint 1,108.80
EMI Filter Delta Electronic 632.00
emurgentcy switch 155.00
Enkoder HAILDENHEIN 251681 994.50
enkoder HEIDENHAIN 4-661-860 651.00
ESKOFT 1066 developer main board 1,101.60
ESKOFT 1066 developer relau  board 739.90
ESKOFT A/s board 439.60
ESKOFT board 072-720-000/2 380.00
ESKOFT input panel 513.40
ESKOFT output panel 452.40
EtherMac Printer Adapter 262.80
EverSmart JazzScanners 1,759.25
Exit bridge Dolev 4Press 2,826.00
Extender Board DELL  143.10
Extender board Linotype 983361992 1,071.00
Extension bracket  55.30
extension cable PS/2 23.25
Extern HDD RACK 235.00
FAF/Remake 2,820.00
Fan 12v 47.00
Fan cooler 100x100 39.50
Fan cooler 100x100  31.00
Fan cooler 100x100 with carry 39.00
Fan cooler 100x100 with carry 33.00
Fan cooler 109R1212H1D01 193.75
Fan Cooler 120x120 Variofan 4312 47.70
Fan cooler 150x150 37.00
Fan cooler 40x40 22.00
Fan cooler 50x50 56.50
Fan cooler 50x50 15.70
Fan cooler 50x50 18.00
Fan cooler 70x70 24.15
Fan cooler 80x80 23.00
Fan cooler 80x80 15.70
FAN Cooler 80x80 23.55
Fan cooler 80x80 25.00
Fan Cooler NMB 37.00
Fan Cooler NMB 39.00
Fan Cooler TUP612 31.60
Fan COSTECH A12B23HWB 94.80
Fan PAP ST 55.30
Fan rack small Alpha Mat 351.90
Fan with grill PAT.31885 197.50
Fast ethernet bridge planet 249.60
Fast ethernet bridge planet 256.00
Fast ethernet convertor FEP-5300TF 308.00
FD S/W, Dual U/D For PS2 Ver 4.0 1,240.00
FD Scitex AIX 4.2 Installation diskette 1,482.00
FD Scitex S/W, FAF for Mac Version 1.1.1 1 of 2 1,232.00
FD Scitex S/W, FAF for Mac Version 1.1.1 2 of 2 1,232.00
FD Scitex Upgrade to Brisque Ver. 3.0 1,463.00
FDD cable 15.60
FDD drive MP-F40W-00 77.50
FDD Flat cable  32.00
FDD Flat cable  17.00
FDD Flat cable  16.00
FDD IBM FRU 64F0162 474.00
FDD Mitsubishi MF355F-592MA 47.70
FDD Mitsubishi MF356C-799MA  47.00
FDD Mitsumi D359M3 39.00
FDD Samsung SPF321 585.20
FDD Sony FRU93F2361 40.00
FDD Sony MP-F75W-11G with carry for Brisque 45.00
FDD Sony MP-F75W-12G with carry for Brisque 47.50
FDD Sony MPF420-K 47.00
FDD Sony MPF52A 47.00
FDD Sony MPF920-D 37.80
FDD Sony MPF920-D 37.00
FDD Sony MPF920-D 37.00
FDD TEAC FD-235HF 46.00
FDD TEAC FD-235HF 39.75
FDD TEAC FD-235HF 39.75
Film carrier AGFA ACUUSET 172.70
Film carrier Dolev 400 left side 235.00
Film carrier Dolev 400 right side 238.50
film encoder 4Press 504c39926 439.60
Film guide 4Press 126.40
Film guide Dolev800 630.00
Film guide HEILDERBERG 690.80
Film holder AGFA 188.40
Film holder Heilderberg 270.00
film input cassete Heilderberg 758.40
Film lead at drum output 238.50
filter board CBS9541 184.80
Filter carrier 25mik i 1mik  338.80
Fixir Rack 120cm 1,521.00
Fixir rack Agfa 75cm 863.50
Fixir rack DURR 320.00
Fixir Rack for ESKOFOT processor 1,499.00
Fixir Rack for HOPE processor 1,500.00
Fixir rack HOPE 50cm 780.00
Fixir rack small Alpha Mat 284.40
Flat cable 118073 31.00
Flat cable 203676-0505 24.00
Flat cable 204658-0501 24.00
Flat cable 26-pin 15.00
Flat cable 40H5434 27.00
Flat cable 590-0861-B 31.80
Flat cable 8-pin 32.00
Flat cable ATA 29.00
Flat cable ATA 33.00
Flat cable E97252 23.00
Flat cable FDD 23.50
Flat cable for diskette unit 28.00
Flat cable MB to Panel 504D30287 46.00
Flat cable SCITEX 504E38170 150.00
Flat cable SCSI FOXCONN 2 connectors 426.60
Flat cable SCSI FOXCONN 5 connectors 474.30
Flat cable SCSI with out conn.. 6 connectors 527.00
Flat cable ultra SCSI 62.00
Floppy disk drive 28.62
Floppy disk drive 47.00
Flopy disk drive 31.00
Flow control valve for developer 94.20
Fluid heater 480.50
Fluid heater E13 385.00
Fluid level sensor 323.40
fluid level switch 54.95
Fuji Hunt developer 1,875.00
Fuji Hunt fixer 1,875.00
Fuji Hunt Forte II 2,400.00
FujiFilm Conveyorsystem Scitex Dolev800 1,903.20
Fuse carier M4062 25A 48.00
fuse holder 16A 30.00
Gear and fuse set for AGFA developer 288.00
GL 291 On-Line Dolev 4Press 1,971.60
Glunz&Jensen Online Systems Oper. Manual 1,866.60
Glunz&Jensen Online Systems Service. Manual 1,891.00
Graphic board DELL 2134JE 539.00
Graphic card Diamond B14MH6280CV 235.50
Graphic card Diamond B14MH7570AB 214.20
Graphic card Diamond B14MH757846 535.50
Graphic card Diamond B14MH887645 79.50
Graphic card Diamond B14MH889594 77.00
Graphic card Diamond B14MH897114 77.00
Graphic card Diamond B14MH897809 79.00
Graphic card Diamond B14MH904172 535.50
Graphic card IBM 93H4787 78.00
Graphic card MATROX 137.50
Graphic card MATROX AAR95450 132.00
Graphic card S3TRIO 55.30
Graphic display control board 12H1704 40.00
Graphic display control board 40H5355 40.00
Graphic display control board 93H5339 40.00
Haidelberg main board 034040745 810.90
Hard disk Frame electronics 57 0025007 SCSI 591.00
Hard disk Fujitsu M2614ESA SCSI 591.00
Hard disk Fujitsu M2616ESA SCSI 591.00
Hard disk Fujitsu MAB3091SP SCSI 730.00
Hard disk IBM 121593 S12 SCSI 595.00
Hard disk IBM 45G9467 SCSI 590.00
Hard disk IBM 45G9467 SCSI 591.90
Hard disk IBM 85F011 SCSI 591.90
Hard disk IBM 85F012 SCSI 593.30
Hard disk IBM 92F0428 SCSI 593.30
Hard disk IBM DCAS-32160 SCSI 585.20
Hard disk IBM DCHS SCSI 596.60
Hard disk IBM DDRS-34560 SCSI 125.00
Hard disk IBM DFHS SCSI 580.00
Hard disk IBM DFHS SCSI 760.00
Hard disk IBM DGHS SCSI 760.00
Hard disk IBM DZLD3489 SCSI 763.20
Hard disk Maxtor 90680D4 706.50
Hard disk Maxtor LXT213SY SCSI with carry 594.00
Hard disk MICROPOLIS 4110 SCSI 590.00
Hard disk Quantum 168231262755 SCSI 592.00
Hard disk Quantum 168319854626 SCSI 592.80
Hard disk Quantum 2110STM21S011 SCSI 592.80
Hard disk Quantum 632816923478 ATA 395.00
Hard disk Quantum AASY1540 ATA 395.00
Hard disk Quantum FBSTS 655-0435 SCSI 592.80
Hard disk Quantum GA300 SCSI 50pin 697.50
Hard disk Quantum LCT10 392.00
Hard disk Quantum SCSI 50pin 592.80
Hard disk Quantum TM21S011 SCSI 592.80
Hard disk RC2247 SCSI 594.00
Hard disk Seagate ST318437LW 692.80
Hard disk Seagate ST39173W SCSI 968.54
Hard disk Segate 34520W SCSI 600.40
Hard disk Segate 34572W SCSI 600.40
Hard disk Segate ST118273W SCSI 751.00
Hard disk Segate ST15150W SCSI 759.00
Hard disk Segate ST318436LW SCSI 600.00
Hard disk Segate ST32550W SCSI 740.70
Hard disk Segate ST34371W SCSI 673.00
Hard disk Segate ST34371W SCSI 585.20
Hard disk Segate ST34371W SCSI 758.40
Hard disk Segate ST39173W SCSI 730.00
Hard disk Segate ST39175LW SCSI 750.00
Hard disk Segate uk512m 497.00
Hard disk SONY SMO-E501-99 SCSI 50pin 675.00
Hard disk WD WDE4360 SCSI 588.00
HDD ATA  Seagate ST32122A 539.00
HDD ATA Fujitsu MPF3204AT 535.50
HDD ATA IBM Deskstar DTLA-307015 553.00
HDD ATA Maxtor 31024H1 539.00
HDD ATA Quantum Fireball CX 76.50
HDD ATA Quantum ProDrive LPS 80.00
HDD ATA Samsung SV0761H 549.50
HDD ATA Samsung SV1021H 535.50
HDD ATA Seagate ST10211A 525.00
HDD ATA Seagate ST340810ACE 525.00
HDD ATA Seagate ST3491A 525.00
HDD ATA Western Digital WD 102AA 539.00
HDD Cable Scitex 504L42360 39.00
HDD caddy  38.00
HDD carry 25.00
HDD Fujitsu M1606 SAU SCSI 589.00
HDD Maxtor 40GB ATA 63.60
HDD Maxtor with caddy 94.00
HDD Qantum Firebal LCT2o 63.00
HDD Quantum 30GB ATA 63.60
HDD Quantum Fireball CR 31.00
HDD Scitex 3103A91383 702.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Compaq C2490A 1,852.60
HDD SCSI 50Pin Conner CFP 1060S 1,780.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Conner N111Y6 589.00
HDD SCSI 50PIN Digital DSP3107L 608.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Frame Electronic 570009005 1,829.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Frame Electronic 570009155 1,864.40
HDD SCSI 50Pin Frame Electronic EA100055980 1,770.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Fujitsu M2614ESA 1,852.60
HDD SCSI 50Pin IBM 130097533S1 1,852.60
HDD SCSI 50Pin IBM L1A56 245361 1,770.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin IBM L1AZ6 027193 1,840.80
HDD SCSI 50Pin Maxtor MXT-540S 1,864.40
HDD SCSI 50Pin Quantum Fireball 1,781.80
HDD SCSI 50Pin Quantum Maverick 1,781.80
HDD SCSI 50PIN Quantum Maverick 605.00
HDD SCSI 50Pin Quantum Prodrive LPS 1,805.40
HDD SCSI 50Pin Quantum XP32150L 1,793.60
HDD SCSI 50Pin Scitex 73096948 S1 1,817.20
HDD SCSI 50Pin Seagate ST32122A 1,805.40
HDD SCSI 50Pin Seagate ST32550N 1,840.80
HDD SCSI 50Pin Seagate ST32550N 1,840.80
HDD SCSI IBM DDRS-34560 739.20
HDD SCSI IBM DNES-309170 736.00
HDD SCSI IBM Ultrastar DPSS-309170 737.90
HDD SCSI Seagate ST 118273W 1,864.40
HDD SCSI Seagate ST 318275LW 1,876.20
HDD SCSI Seagate ST 336704LW 1,829.00
HDD SCSI Seagate ST 39173W 739.20
HDD SCSI Seagate ST34371W 1,829.00
HDD SCSI Seagate ULTRA320 1,840.80
HDD SCSI SEGATE ST-173404 with caddy 204.10
HDD SCSI SEGATE ST-318437lv 201.50
HDD Seagate ST32272N SCSI 585.00
HDD Seagate ST34371W SCSI 753.60
HDD Seagate ST34371W SCSI 587.00
HDD Seagate ST34573 SCSI 616.20
HDD Seagate ST39173W SCSI 738.00
HDD SEGATE ST336607 35.00
HDD with holder 4press 215.60
heater for chemistry AlphaMat 220v 400w 327.60
Heidelberg dinamic optic carryer 993650233 608.00
Heidelberg LAN board 00.781.8734/01 1,078.00
Heidelberg laser tube with power 111-1700-4.9 2,584.00
Heidelberg LVDS board 00.781.8912/02 1,140.00
Heidelberg main cable set 1,240.20
Heidelberg main PS NT33 1,016.40
Heidelberg main vakum pump Thomas 702.00
Heidelberg power distribution 00.781.6592 1,444.00
Heidelberg sensor board 00.781.840/03 1,404.00
Heidelberg signal board 94185595 748.80
Heidelberg signal board AK-CBLB1.1 623.20
Heidelberg X122 boardq 1,054.00
Heidelberg X23 board 00.781.8898/01 1,185.00
Heidelberg x48 board 220932-00-01b 918.00
Helios Ether Share  2,780.00
Helios Ether Share OPI 2,787.40
Holder with 2 fan 92.40
Holder with double sensor DOlev800 290.70
holder with two pump Alpha mat 486.40
holder with two sensor SERTO 204.10
HSF module 60B33HC10A01P 546.00
IBM 43/14, 43/15 and 43/24 1,840.80
IBM Cable 40H5434 40.00
IBM Cable 9323 31.80
IBM PS RIP power supply  549.50
IDE Flat Cable 17.00
ILFORD developer rack 228.00
ILFORD dryer rack 284.40
ILFORD fixir rack 228.00
ILFORD wash rack 228.00
Indication board 63005-006-527 487.50
Indication board A-94VO 697.50
industrial plug 16a 46.80
Industrial plug 16a 30.60
Inerlock white 126.40
input cassete AGFA Acusett 321.30
input cassete AGFA big 489.80
input cassete AGFA small 395.20
input cassete dolev 200 381.60
input cassete DOLEV 800 big 596.60
input cassete Dolev200 379.20
input cassete Dolev400 436.80
input cassete DOLEV800 769.30
input cassete Linotronic 372.00
input cassete Linotype 436.80
input cassete Linotype big 528.50
Input Cassette Agfa 790.00
Input Cassette Dolev 200 1,007.50
Input Cassette Dolev 200 693.00
Input Cassette Dolev 400 912.00
Input Cassette Dolev 4Press 1,248.00
Input Cassette ECRM 893.20
Input Cassette ECRM 697.50
Input sensor board ALPHA MAT L1862-0 489.60
interconnect board 6.203.5183456.01 341.00
Interface board Apple 820-041102 149.15
Interface board Apple 820-0590-A 149.15
Interface board Apple 820-1002-A 146.30
Interlock AZ15zvrk-M20 214.20
Interlock AZ16-02zvrk-M16 279.00
Interlock key 92.40
interlock switch 183.60
Interlock with holder 154.00
Internal bridge Dolev 800 2,204.00
IO board 208402-501 630.00
IRIS Color Zone User's Guide 1,709.40
Iris realist FX Troubleshooting Guide 1,828.35
Iris realist Insal.&Getting Started Guide 1,747.20
Iris realist Troubleshooting Guide 1,804.45
Kesh memory module MPC2106CDG66 847.00
Kodak professional Recording 2000 Film SHN 1,830.00
LAN Board IBM  69.30
LAN Board IBM 11s91 186.00
LAN cable 3m 16.00
LAN CARD 98.00
LAN CARD 11S91H0397YL 41.00
LAN CARD 11S91H0397YL1118261357 39.00
LAN CARD 11S91H0397YL131 47.10
LAN CARD 12499963 41.00
LAN CARD 12561171 47.00
LAN CARD 36-0106-001 39.00
LAN CARD 36-0106-002 47.00
Lan Card 3com 3c905 39.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F15C16 47.40
LAN CARD 6HQ1F15D06 47.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F15D16 47.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F16AF1 47.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F1712B 47.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F22F18 47.40
LAN CARD 6HQ1F241F1 47.40
LAN CARD 6HQ1F247CA 47.40
LAN CARD 6HQ1F2561A 47.00
LAN CARD 6HQ1F5C37 46.80
LAN CARD 6HQ1F669B 46.80
LAN CARD 6HQ1F669F 46.80
LAN CARD 6HQ1F6F2E 46.80
LAN CARD A159H0317 42.00
LAN Card HS846H2LF00A 40.00
LAN Card HS91005MF0BB 38.00
Lan card IBM 91H0460 71.10
LAN CARD P94H0384 38.00
Lan card RTL8029 70.65
LAN CARD SWP23891 47.00
Laser box Heidelberg 05558102 2,156.00
laser Linotronic 260 Roden Stockr 11054573 1,444.00
laser power meter dolev 560.00
Laser spiner box ECRM  2,114.00
Laser tube Dolev 2xx/4xx 1,216.00
Led diode with cable 22.50
Limit switch with holder 284.40
Linotronic 260 film transport 1,085.00
Linotronic 260 front panel 790.00
Linotronic lervis network extension cable 385.00
Linotronic power switch and connector 847.00
Linotronic signal board T-2LHAG 1,357.20
Linotype BNC network adapter 1,720.00
Linotype display switch board 1,747.20
Linotype fifodat 1,716.00
Linotype MB Combo Turbo 2,355.00
MAG-A e2333 32780 voltage board 747.30
Magnetic pump IWAKI MR-20-230L 496.00
Main board 0796A1070 924.00
Main board 0796A1100 924.00
Main board 1091595 1,147.50
Main board 4482DVB-R01 1,100.50
Main board 503D42069 1,925.00
Main board 88G2538 920.00
Main board 92F1390 1,887.50
Main board B08857 1,216.60
Main board Brisque 92F2623 1,975.00
Main board Brisque PCCM694V-0 1,975.00
Main board DELL 74390Q00S2 with processor 549.50
Main Board DELL for pentijum II MMX 215.60
Main Board Linotronic 260 MAGP32796 1,950.00
Main board Linotronic 5186757 2,325.00
Main board MA-253 1,100.00
Main board Power PC 1,158.17
Main board Power PC TIP 2 1,513.48
Main Board SAIF AGFA 9000SR 684.00
Main Board Scitex CAT503D2L055 2,054.00
Main board VIA 5MVP3 1,678.60
Main board with power module 60B33HM10A03P 734.40
Main drive motor PMFE-12CBB 1,256.00
Main modul HEIDELBERG D-24107KIEL 5,502.50
Main Motor BERGER 231367006 442.40
Main Motor BERGER 231367006 354.20
Main motor DURR HEIDOLPH TYP 680.232.001850 527.00
Main power shaft for AGFA 298.30
main power switch RAPTOR 429.30
Main shaft for HEILDERBERG 1,361.70
Main switc with protection 64.00
Main switch 63.00
Main switch CQR160470 HOPE 94.80
Main transfer DURR 385.00
Manual start switch box for developer 258.40
MB for Brisque with CPU&FAN 11S93H9956YL 1,945.60
MB IBM FRU93H4808 1,915.00
MB IBM FRU93H4808 1,343.00
MC local Talk Adapter 573.54
Memory & Graphic board Brisque 11S94H 1,078.00
Memory & Graphic board Brisque 93H4808 1,059.00
Memory & Graphic board Brisque A17PH920018 1,098.00
Memory & Graphic board Brisque A17PH920018 957.60
Memory & Graphic board Brisque PB704670-004 1,201.20
Memory & Graphic board Brisque W17S9886031 1,098.00
Memory 30pin 9245-70 390.00
Memory 30pin Goldstar GT3009 388.00
Memory 30pin KO-13N 390.00
Memory 72pin 2615-1 392.00
Memory module 128MB60NS IBM ECC 936.00
Memory module 16MB60NS IMBECC 458.00
Memory module 16MB70NS IBM ECC 225.00
Memory module 32M168P DIMM(F4)  229.00
Memory module 32MB70NS IBM 234.00
Memory module 32MB70NS IBM ECC 235.50
Memory module 4MB Samsung 228.00
Memory module 64MB70NS IBM ECC 474.00
Memory module 64MB70NS IBM ECC 477.00
Memory module 8MB60NS ECC 229.50
Memory module diskOVERY 64MB 535.50
Memory module KINGSTON KTM-43P/64 395.00
Memory module KINGSTON KTM-F30/64CE 469.00
Memory module KINGSTON KTM-F30/64CE 312.00
Memory module KMM5368100A-7 Samsung 395.00
Memory module MBEFD 132M-6 459.00
Memory module MBEFD 232M-6 535.50
Memory module MPC2106CDG66 317.00
Memory module MT160232M-8 312.00
Memory module MXM64/IBRE20 241.00
Memory module PNY EDM4G11 380.00
Memory module PNYW017937 536.00
Memory module RAMS 4MB PC100 395.00
Memory module SEC 8MB60NS ECC 310.00
Memory module Toshiba 9813 231.00
memory Samsung 9901H 32.00
memory SIEMENS Pc100 30.90
Memory slot RPM3330 1,264.00
Memory&Gaphic board for Brisque A158D116101 1,202.00
Memory&Gaphic board for Brisque A17PH920017 1,201.20
Metal holder QC 77.50
Metal part 200/1 248.00
Metal part 800/3 140.40
Micro switch 11SM3-T 63.00
Micro switch FOXCONN C9939 38.00
Microsoft MS-DOS User's Guide 2,015.00
Mini SCSI 5M 320.00
Modem Supra EXPRESS 56 126.40
Modem SupraFax 62.00
Modul Heidelberg ODV76 x502 514.80
Modul TWIN FAN BOX 688.50
Module controller Dolev A161A206017 1,238.40
Module controller Dolev A16A177200 602.00
Module controller Dolev A17PF969093 691.00
Module controller Dolev KE9515 1,192.00
Motor 1385 376.80
Motor 1691 144.00
motor astro GMBH AS-40-6 634.20
motor astro GMBH AS-40-6 651.00
Motor BERGER RSN828 176.00
Motor block with spinner Selectset 1000 2,660.00
motor Dolev berger 5203 639.60
Motor DURR HEIDOLPH typ 681.211.11002A 474.00
Motor LEROY SOMER 169.40
Motor Maxon 237383 with belt 496.00
Motor PITTMAN GM-8724 284.40
Motor PITTMAN GM-9413 286.20
motor VALEO 404,488 765.00
Net LAN cable 1.8m 23.50
New LDR Int. cable Scitex 504L1L017 72.00
OCM3 board online bridge AGFA 1,080.00
Online bridge 4press 1,659.00
online bridge 4press transport part 900.60
Online bridge Herqules 2,128.00
Optic able 5m 1,900.00
Optic and Laser carry Dolev400 930.00
Optic film reader Sony SDV-0304A 697.50
Optic modulator AOM 3200-1213441 2,083.80
Optical cable 757.35
Optical cable 25m 1,314.20
Optical cable blue 229.50
Optical cable orange 20m 246.40
Optical cable pigtail 92.40
Optical cable type 2 1,435.00
Optical cable white e111043 443.70
optical carry for dolev 2xx 4xx 651.00
optical carry fordolev 2xx 4xx with spiral  881.60
optical limit switch 184.80
optical limit switch X3451 425.60
optical miror direktor tube 1,360.00
ORIX motor fan MB16XA-D 325.50
Output bridge Katana  3,255.00
Output cassete DOLEV200 566.10
Output cassete DOLEV800 395.00
Output cassete for Linotronic 260 706.50
Output Cassette 4press 1,351.50
Output Cassette Dolev 200 539.00
Output Cassette Dolev 800 large 1,193.40
Output cassette for Dolev 400 553.00
Output cassette Top Dolev 400 465.00
P1-P2 flat cable IBM 52G9582 38.00
Parallel cable 0.2m 17.00
Parallel flat cable 31.00
PCI Adapter Plaement Reference 296.00
Plate lifter assy forHEILDERBERG 1,836.00
Plotective cover black 189.60
Pneumapic connector 90 deg 45.30
Pneumatic system set for DOLEV800 651.00
Pneumatic valve VAC125 2pcs 400.40
Pneumatic valve410-39 364.80
Power board IMNS94005305 with flat cable 405.60
Power board PS-357 430.35
POWER BOARD SVG-2000 649.30
Power box RAPTOR 1,223.10
power cable  AGFA SELECTSET 7000  254.40
power cable 220 USA 31.60
Power cable for FDD 55.65
Power cable for main board 38.00
Power cable Spl-Main Board 71.55
power cable with 3 connection 77.50
Power cable with switch 23.25
Power connector board 511OU02 64.00
Power module connection cable 25.00
Power module R03EA5-0001 99.45
Power module TDK 614-0003 550.25
Power supply  120/24v 109.20
Power Supply 200wUTT 693.00
power supply 220/12v 31.40
Power supply A175K216NV6 2,002.00
power supply AC BELL API-9841-291 124.80
Power supply AcBel API-9841-291 221.20
Power supply AGFA ACUSET 1,343.00
Power supply ASTEC AA 16870 546.00
Power supply ASTEC SA201-3438 604.20
power supply AUTEC UPS 40 442.40
power supply AUTEC UPS 50 459.00
Power supply BENNING NT24/2 1,283.50
Power supply block for Brisque 1,987.50
Power supply cable 1.8m CHI Plug 32.70
Power supply cable 4pin-6pin 25.00
Power supply cable SCSI HDD 24.00
power supply DELL NPS-200PS 96.00
Power supply DELL PA-4221-3D 600.40
Power supply DELTA DPS-200PB 98.00
Power supply Delta DPS-250DB 843.60
Power supply DELTA DPS-250DB 95.00
Power supply Delta El. DPS-200PB-110A 948.00
Power supply Delta El. DPS-225AB 942.00
Power supply Delta El. DPS-250DB 664.40
Power supply Delta El. DPS-300JB 930.00
Power supply Delta El. SMP-120EB-2 942.00
Power supply DPS-250DB 1,248.00
power supply DURR komplet L1845-1BS 972.80
Power supply for Brisque 40H2115 1,232.00
Power supply Hungtech LTP-180 540.00
Power supply IBM 11H8608 549.50
Power supply IBM 93H3502 549.50
Power supply IBM 93H3502 541.00
Power supply IBM 93H3503 549.50
Power supply IBM 93H3503 542.50
Power supply IBM FRUPN40H2115 770.00
Power supply IBM FRUPN40H2115 539.00
Power supply LWT15H 367.20
Power supply module 200 410.80
Power supply module 6870T170D10 576.00
Power supply module Astec 127206 874.50
Power supply module ASTEC AA16990 604.00
Power supply module Brisque 1718565 1,750.00
Power supply module Brisque 1718567 1,755.60
Power supply module Brisque 4622621 1,755.60
Power supply module Brisque 4622699 1,755.60
Power supply module COSEL PMC30E-2 99.45
Power supply module DEE VAN 547.20
Power supply module SONY APS-06 511.50
Power supply Nemic Lambda 63.20
Power supply Rexpower KE11084531 439.60
Power supply SCHRACK EP071119-B 1,116.90
Power supply Seastonic SSG-200G 591.50
Power supply shielded cable 0.4m NO Plug 21.00
Power supply shielded cable 0.8m EN Plug 55.00
Power supply shielded cable 1.8m EN Plug 63.00
Power supply shielded cable 1.8m EU Plug 52.50
Power supply Shielded cable 2.2 m 64.00
Power supply shielded cable 2.2m NO Plug 37.00
Power supply shielded cable extender m/f 39.00
Power supply STAR UT-230WN 545.00
Power supply WEIR SMM300 439.60
Power supply WEIR SMM300 442.40
Power supply ZYTEC EP071119 296.40
Power switch Brisque 304.00
Power switch with cable 4332288 40.00
powersupply COMPAQ PA-4022-6B2 158.00
Preps Quick Start Tuttorial 1,817.20
Printer switcher CJ5850A 61.60
Procesor INTEL Pentium II MMX 64.00
Processor board Delta print FCSCI 1,912.50
Processor board IBM FRU93H3456  1,912.50
Processor Intel Pentium3 240.00
Processor PowerPC 1,009.28
Profile Wizard Benutzerleitfaden 1,753.80
Profile Wizard Gebruikshandleiding 1,730.00
Profile Wizard Guia de Usario 1,788.75
Profile Wizard Guide d'utilisation 1,736.00
Profile Wizard Manuale per l'uso 1,742.70
Profile Wizard Print 2,929.50
Profile Wizard Print Anvandarhandbok 1,742.70
Protective cover black 46.80
Protective cover X2439 196.30
Protective cover X2440 198.90
protective coverX2438 135.00
Protective gril for fan 16.00
PS/M 2,923.00
PS/M Quick Start 1,720.50
PS/M U/G 2,775.00
pump 220v 639.60
pump double HEIDOLPS typ KRP8-d 508.80
Pump HEIDOLPH typ MP-50  369.60
pump single HEIDOLPS typ KRP8 343.20
Punch assy 138.60
Punch assy 140.40
Punch assy 333.90
Punch bar Dolev4press with motor 1,848.00
Punch bar Dolev4press without motor 1,540.00
punch set Dolev800 400.40
PURUP AC Power box 5801726 4,950.00
PURUP Cable bunching antistatic tape 108.50
PURUP Communication cable 103 343.20
PURUP Communication cable 104 183.60
PURUP Communication cable 105 229.50
PURUP Communication cable 106 197.60
PURUP Communication cable 107 263.50
PURUP Communication cable 108 192.50
PURUP Communication cable 109 139.50
PURUP Communication cable 110 169.40
PURUP Communication cable 111 276.50
PURUP Communication cable 112 182.40
PURUP Communication cable 113 183.60
PURUP Communication cable 114 290.45
PURUP Communication cable 115 62.80
PURUP Communication cable 116 157.00
PURUP Communication cable 117 284.40
PURUP Communication cable 118 134.30
PURUP Communication cable 205 331.80
PURUP Communication cable 210 294.50
PURUP Communication cable 212 327.60
PURUP Communication cable 213 124.00
PURUP Communication cable 215 197.50
PURUP Communication cable 217 252.80
PURUP Communication cable 22 192.50
PURUP Communication cable 23 164.85
PURUP Communication cable 25 195.00
PURUP Communication cable 303 382.00
PURUP Communication cable 304 251.20
PURUP Communication cable 305 169.40
PURUP Communication cable 306 162.75
PURUP Communication cable 308 377.50
PURUP Communication cable 31 296.40
PURUP Communication cable 310 204.10
PURUP Communication cable 312 197.60
PURUP Communication cable 313 284.40
PURUP Communication cable 317 314.00
PURUP Communication cable 405 235.50
PURUP Communication cable 406 231.00
PURUP Communication cable 408 138.60
PURUP Communication cable 408 234.00
PURUP Communication cable 412 192.50
PURUP Communication cable 414 138.60
PURUP Communication cable 415 192.50
PURUP Communication cable 418 190.00
PURUP Communication cable 419 137.70
PURUP Communication cable 5 135.15
PURUP DC Power box 5801998 4,960.00
PURUP Electro-vacuum sensor MPX12DP 170.50
PURUP END sensor 91.20
PURUP film knife 2,280.00
PURUP Internal transport bridge 7,550.00
Purup Laser Box 5803106 2,464.00
PURUP Microswitch SS-5GL2 235.50
PURUP modul controller 703120/151 2,736.00
PURUP MODULEX M588500 1,705.00
PURUP MODULEX M645440 4,368.00
PURUP MODULEX M648870 1,709.00
PURUP MODULEX M717180 3,496.00
PURUP MODULEX M717190 3,634.00
PURUP MODULEX M718320 2,772.00
PURUP MODULEX M749990 1,705.00
PURUP MODULEX M770050 3,634.00
PURUP Optical cable 5031702 4,408.00
PURUP Power cable 6 284.40
PURUP Power cable complet 4,368.00
PURUP Power table female 480.00
PURUP Power table male 385.00
PURUP PS Link RIP 4,396.00
PURUP rotation film cassette 3,080.00
PURUP Sensor narrow connector 77.00
PURUP Sensor wide connector 86.35
PURUP Servo motor 5802943 1,472.50
PURUP Shock absorber unutrasnjeg mosta manji 106.40
PURUP Shock absorber unutrasnjeg mosta veci 123.20
PURUP Spindeldriver 5601525 3,900.00
PURUP Spinner with cables and connectors 9,180.00
Purup Standard Page Tool&PS-Link 1,732.80
QuarkXPress 3,234.00
Rack cover 91.80
RAM card 4MB 88.00
Raptor chemistry doser 585.20
Raptor gum roller for dryer 631.40
Raptor input rack 753.60
Raptor main transport worm 675.10
Raptor roller grey 367.20
Realist(FX) Proofing Zone 1,676.10
Realist(FX) Proofing Zone 1,780.80
reduction motor BOSCH AHP 24V 217.00
Reduction motor Lenze 0/9906/1201 343.20
Reduction motor REGAL4000 RoskILDE46755544 385.00
Reduction motor Scitex 507c3h010a 584.60
Reed senzor Dolev800 140.40
Regeneration pump 369.60
Regeneration pump GRI mod 1500 415.80
Regeneration pumpGRI14825 97.00
Rele Micusita HP3 with holder 122.40
Rele Omron G7J-4A-B 123.20
Rele SCHRACK RM705730 56.00
Relly OMRON G7L-2A-TUB 39.00
Repro Server Platform Update(2100) Inst. Guide 1,899.70
RF Filter for cable 120.80
RF optical modulator dolev 639.60
RF optical modulator dolev 623.20
Rinse Rack for ESKOFOT processor 1,508.00
Rinse Rack for HOPE processor 1,511.00
RIP At&T Globalyst 688.50
RIP Siemens Nixdorf Scienic 1,224.60
Ripro Server Installation Guide Part II 1,725.00
Riser card 02/00 44-1D4AB 562.50
Riser card 05/99 44-9982A 303.00
Riser card 33/99 44-828CA 588.00
Riser card L8 10J2972-1 587.90
RJ11 cable 10m 48.70
RS/6000 7043 43P Series Service Guide 1,736.55
S Video module  91.64
Safety switch   22.90
safety switch X170 298.30
Scan cylinder Crosfield 1,240.20
Scenic Soft PEPS 2,830.50
Scitex 4Press Family Illust.Trublesh. Guide 1,751.50
Scitex AIX 4.1 Installation 501v50339 5,776.00
Scitex Application Software v.3.05 IBM PS/2 5,846.00
Scitex cable 504D39244 531.30
Scitex Class Screening 1,758.40
Scitex Designer ToolKit 2,387.00
Scitex Dolev 100 2,747.50
Scitex Dolev 200/400 2,780.00
Scitex Dolev 200/400 Technical Manual 2,133.00
Scitex Dolev 200/400 User Guide 1,864.40
Scitex Dolev 4Press 2,747.50
Scitex Dolev 4Press User Guide 1,848.00
Scitex Dolev 800 2,799.00
Scitex Dolev 800 2,765.00
Scitex Dolev PS 2,710.00
Scitex Dolev PS/M 2,790.00
Scitex Dolev PS/M Tutorial 1,891.00
Scitex Electronic Screening 3,045.80
Scitex Electronic Screening 3,084.60
Scitex Electronic Screening 3,065.20
Scitex Ever Smart Scanners 2,776.80
Scitex Full Auto Frame 2,979.60
Scitex Full Auto Frame 2,765.00
Scitex Full Auto Frame 2,695.00
Scitex Full Auto Frame 2,730.00
Scitex Full Auto Frame 2,747.50
Scitex Full Auto Frame For Mac. Comp. 2,734.00
Scitex Full Auto Frame For Mac. Comp.User Guide 1,781.80
Scitex HP sensor 93.00
Scitex Improof 1,709.40
Scitex InkPro 2,830.50
Scitex module controller M22/3 793.00
SCITEX optical limit controller 873.60
Scitex PostScript Interpreter 2,712.50
SCITEX Power convertor  646.80
SCITEX power dist type 3 323.40
Scitex Power dist.assy 646.80
Scitex Preps Quickstart Tutorial 1,680.00
Scitex PS/2 2,761.20
Scitex PS/2 Software 3.0.5 2,725.80
Scitex PS/2 Software 3.0.5 1,852.60
Scitex PS/M RIP 3,900.00
SCITEX punch adaptor cable 377.60
Scitex Remake 2,849.00
Scitex Remake 2,867.50
Scitex Remake 2,923.00
Scitex Remake user Guide 1,781.95
Scitex Smart 320 User Guide 1,946.80
Scitex Smart 320/340L/342L Inst&Maintr. 1,805.75
Scitex Smart 340  Smart 340L 2,695.00
Scitex Smart 340L/342L Inst&Maintr. 1,747.50
Scitex System Log Book 1,950.00
Scitex System Log Book 1,925.00
ScriptSetter Operator Guide 1,912.50
SCSI adapter 50PIN 444.60
SCSI adapter HDI SCSI DOCK 540.00
SCSI board 446.00
SCSI cable  187.20
SCSI cable 1m 114.00
SCSI cable 25/25 264.80
SCSI cable 25/50 277.00
SCSI cable 50/50 276.00
SCSI cable 50/50 671.00
SCSI cable mini/50 188.00
SCSI cable mini/mini 164.00
SCSI card 11S73H3560YL11 588.90
SCSI card 11S93H8406YL 608.40
SCSI card 11S93H8805YL 505.60
SCSI card 3M75X620085 616.20
SCSI card 3M75X753027 682.00
SCSI card 3M75X773027 634.30
SCSI card 3M75X870113 604.50
SCSI card 3M7U6902753 498.00
SCSI card 3M7U6902846 604.50
SCSI card 3M7U6948125 623.20
SCSI card 3M7U6948423 616.20
SCSI card 3M7U6948553 477.00
SCSI card 3M7U6992121 647.30
SCSI card 3M7U6992129 626.20
SCSI card 93H3809110 579.00
SCSI card 93H8809929 579.00
SCSI card A17U6022119 622.00
SCSI card A17U6040280 385.40
SCSI CaRD A17U6042003 693.00
SCSI card A17U6141247 616.20
SCSI card A17U6141252 623.20
SCSI card A17U6148039 614.00
SCSI card A17U6148100 608.40
SCSI card A17U6150382 600.60
SCSI card A17U6159600 608.40
SCSI CARD FRU 92F0160 641.48
SCSI Communication board IMLW94200331 546.00
SCSI Communication cable 532.00
SCSI Communication cable 589.00
SCSI Communication cable 8-way 436.80
SCSI communication card ISS-151-50 631.40
SCSI Control board 446.60
SCSI Flat cable 39.50
SCSI Flat cable 4-Way 10G7375 55.00
SCSI Flat cable 6-Way 61G3005 86.00
SCSI flat communication cable 456.00
SCSI flat communication cable 71.55
SCSI flat communication cable 5Way 88.00
SCSI flat communication cable 5Way 73H0435 238.00
SCSI RACK 220.00
SCSI special 1,401.44
SCSI Terminator 240.00
SCSI terminator 62.80
SCSI terminator 217.00
Sensor bar X5113 655.20
Sensor bar X5114 581.40
Sensor bar X5115 628.00
Sensor with holderDolev800 186.00
Seral cable 1.8m 43.00
Serial cable 9pin 34.00
Serial flat cable 55.30
Service dongle USB Micromat 9,880.00
Service dongle USB Micromat 9,880.00
Service Guide 43/14, 43/15, and43/24 1,856.50
Servo driver AUTOMOTION 2,233.00
Shielded cable 3x0.75 1m 18.50
Shielded cable SCSI-USB 324.50
shortcut cable X276 93.60
Shortcut cable X34 31.60
signaling cable set DURR 286.20
Silencer Picolino 4401082996 138.60
Smart Scanner 320/340 1,747.20
socket 220v SCHAFFNER 129.00
Sound card Digimate 3D 69.30
Sparc station IPC RIP 3,825.00
Spare set of roler and transport guide for HOPE 758.40
Speaker with cable  22.95
Speaker with cable  24.00
Speaker with cable  15.70
Speedway adapter  85.25
Spiner holder with spiral 904.80
Spiner motor IEC 60825 2,618.00
spiner motor Linotronic 260 sn94071535 924.00
Spiner motor Westwind 576-01 2,618.00
Spinner cable Scitex 504L42251 1,794.00
Spiral for Dolev400 558.70
Spiral for Dolev800 651.00
Spiral holder DOLEV 800 61.60
Step Convey 504D30286 38.00
Step motor 0921804 392.50
Step motor ASTROSYN 23LM-C304-40 428.40
Step motor BRDM397 537.20
Step motor HANSEN ZIP 47670 477.00
Step motor RSM 828/3 362.40
Step motor STEPPER 15PM-K205-02 341.00
Step motor VEXTA PH266-01 535.50
Step Motor VRDM286/50 408.20
Step Motor VRDM564/50 403.00
Step Motor VRDM566/50 403.00
Supra FAX Modem 58.00
T valve plastic 61.60
Teac FC-1 124.80
Teflon roler big red 228.00
Temperature sensor    182.40
Temperature sensor from pipe RAPTOR 425.60
Touchpad board CYNAPTIC F9K3B 86.00
Trafo Dolev4Press Hadas 215.60
Trafo Engel VT-50 205.40
Transfer block X512 280.80
Transportni valjci susare ESKOFOT 1,501.00
Transtport guide metal 166.10
Tray for punch residue 282.60
TSP installation Guide 1,731.60
upper heater set for HOPE  431.20
USB Port 23.25
Vacum pump  21106 347.60
Vacum pump DOLEV800 1,108.80
Vacum resevoair FESTO CRVZS-2 314.00
Vacum valve 30-125PSI 275.40
Vakum pipe Dolev800 63.20
Vakum pump small Rietschle 585.20
Vakum pump with regulator ASF THOMAS 413.40
Varityper 4000  cable 3490-2 61.00
Varityper 4000  cable 4415910B 62.80
Varityper 4000  cable CABLELINK 62.80
Varityper 4000  cable RS232 62.80
Varityper 4000  cable SCSI 3conector 91.20
Varityper 4000  control console 434.00
Varityper 4000  sklop power cable J2 44i585c 184.80
Varityper 4000 cable 3490.1 62.40
Varityper 4000 cable 4416960A 65.00
Varityper 4000 cable 540007300000 63.00
Varityper 4000 cable 540007373000 63.40
Varityper 4000 interface board 011627 627.00
Varityper 4000 interface board 025338 600.00
Varityper 4000 interface board 034513 612.00
Varityper 4000 interface board 051959 606.00
Varityper 4000 interface board 500007177000 revA 600.40
Varityper 4000 main board 052007 631.40
Varityper 4000 page buffer driver 1,026.80
Varityper 4000 power supply POWER SYSTEMS 1,256.00
Varityper 4000 rip hard drive 1,123.20
Varityper air filter 67.00
Varityper backplane dula page 549.50
Varityper CPU/COMPRESSOR 942.00
Varityper DECOMPRESSOR 836.00
Varityper Dolev interface board 906.00
Varityper dual page buffer 722.20
Varityper ECRM Interface 1,014.00
Varityper LSI logic 455.30
Varityper main HDD with carry 425.60
Varityper memory comm board 300-006824-000 744.00
Varityper memory working 77.00
Varityper power supply 6930220 655.20
Varityper SPCB 581.40
Vendor fan 64f4470 39.00
VGA cable 1.5m 33.00
VGA ps2 Rip 124.80
VGA shielded cable 2m 38.00
VGA shielded cable 2m ONE PLUG 41.00
VHS Dolev 800-Tips 1,769.60
Video card 3DFX V32316 31.00
Video card 93H4787 39.00
Video card B14MH62B0M7 84.00
Video card IBM 93H7983 33.00
Video card IBM FRU 93H47487 471.00
Video card IBM FRU 93H5849 452.40
Video card IBM FRU 93H5849 361.10
Video card IBM FRU 93H5849 363.40
Video card IBM FRU 93H5849 363.40
Video card IBM FRU 93H5849 368.00
Video card IBM FRU 93H7983 452.40
Video card IBM FRU 93H7983 361.10
Video card IBM FRU 93H7983 363.40
Video card IBM FRU 93H7983 539.00
Video card IBM FRU 93H7983 72.00
Video card IBM PG 93H4787 39.50
Video card MATROX 644-03 71.55
Video card S3 532.00